Francis Picabia at Kunsthaus Zürich

This ground-breaking exhibition is part of events to mark the 100th anniversary of the Dada movement, which came into being in Zurich. The retrospective explores the historical sweep of Picabia’s (1879 –1953) provocative career – from his early successes as an Impressionist painter and his essential contribution to Dada, via his controversial pin-up girls and…

La tumba de Bakunin tiene una nueva cara

Con la iniciativa de los Dadaístas del Cabaret Voltaire de Zúrich, se ha hecho una aportación a la tumba de Mijaíl Aleksándrovich Bakunin en el Cementerio Bremgarten-Friedhof de Berna con una nueva placa engarcado al artista suizo Daniel Garbade con un dibujo en bronce y una frase del mismo Bakunin en alemán: “Wer das Unmoegliche nicht wagt,…